
  1. Carol Dweck’s “growth” mindset encourages us to view challenges as learning opportunities rather than insurmountable obstacles.
  2. Dweck’s approach focuses on change. If you have a “fixed” mindset, you believe your abilities are unchangeable. If you have a “growth” mindset, you believe you can improve through effort and practice.
  3. Failures don’t define your identity in a growth mindset. Instead, they’re viewed as learning moments and a springboard towards future success.
  4. With a growth mindset, others’ successes aren’t a threat but an inspiration. Celebrating others’ victories becomes easier when you see yourself on a path of continual improvement.
  5. Dweck’s work reminds us that mindset isn’t fixed; it can be changed. Awareness of your current mindset is the first step toward fostering a growth mindset.
  6. Finally, remember that a growth mindset isn’t just about thinking positively. It’s also about challenging yourself, tackling difficulties, and actively learning from them.

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